The first public introduction of the Macintosh was in Boston

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In 1984, Apple famously announced the Macintosh on January 22 in the iconic Ridley Scott directed '1984' commercial during the Superbowl. Not well known is that the ad was actually shown a few months earlier to a group of computer dealers behind closed doors. The ad announced the imminent launch of the Mac on January 24th, 1984.The Mac was indeed introduced on the 24th, at the Apple Annual Shareholder's Meeting, and was to become available publicly hours later. Video of the shareholder's meeting was found on a Betamax tape in 2004, and released online in 2005. For a bit of history behind what happens in that video, see Andy Hertzfeld's great description on his site called The Times They Are A-Changin'. The initial introduction was to Apple's shareholders who went to Cupertino, CA, and was not open to the public. The first public introduction of the Macintosh was actually six days later, across the country in Boston, MA. It took place at a meeting of the Boston Computer Society (BCS). BCS was run by a 20-year old college student, Jonathan Rotenberg, who had founded the society in 1977 at the age of 13. At its peak, it was the largest…

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